Exercise: Animate the climate map
Create a loop that updates the data source of the climate_map
through time (for every month and year). You'll need to use the bokeh-server.
Note: when using the output_server make sure that your data source doesn't contain nans
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# Imports
import numpy as np
import netCDF4
from bokeh.plotting import vplot, hplot, cursession, output_server, show
from viz import climate_map, timeseries, legend, get_slice
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# Data
data = netCDF4.Dataset('data/Land_and_Ocean_LatLong1.nc')
t = data.variables['temperature']
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# Output option
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# Plots
climate_map = climate_map()
timeseries = timeseries()
legend = legend()
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# Create layout
map_legend = hplot(climate_map, legend)
layout = vplot(map_legend, timeseries)
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# Show
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# Select data source for climate_map
renderer = climate_map.select(dict(name="image"))
ds = renderer[0].data_source
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# Create a loop that goes through month and year and updates the image data
import time
for year_index in np.arange(2000, 2015, 1):
for month_index in np.arange(1, 13, 1):
image = get_slice(t, year_index, month_index)
ds.data["image"] = [image]
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